
24 MAY – 5 SEP 2012

Curated by Day+Gluckman


Artists: George Charman, Laura Cooper, Leo Fitzmaurice, Kathleen Herbert, Evy Jokhova, Chloë Østmo, Emily Speed and Ben Woodeson with new commissions by Rob Wilson and Stephen Smith

With the backdrop of the London Festival of Architecture (23rd June – 8th July), and the event whosenamemustnotbespoken, the summer of 2012 is ripe with beginnings and endings: starting pistols and victory flags, and the bitter taste of failure. The construct for this exhibition centres around the London Festival of Architecture’s theme, ‘The Playful City’, and the ebb and flow of movement in the inhabited environment.

Currently the race is underway in London: to complete buildings in time, to rationalise spaces and budgets for a vast mass of people, for a short space of time. The politics of place are ever present, never more so as protesters occupy and build in public squares, and the square mile itself is under scrutiny: play-game-place-state. We have asked the artists involved to reflect on this notion of movement, mass, and play in the densely built-up environment, as London’s natural ebb and flow is disrupted over the summer.

play – game – place – state

Ben Woodeson

Evy Jokhova

George Charman

Laura Cooper